There are 148 cosmetology esthetician licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 12 cosmetology eyelash extension specialist licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 62 cosmetology beauty salon licenses held by organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 371 cosmetology manicurist licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 35 apprentice sign electrician licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 15 barber shop licenses held by organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 136 barber, class A licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are nine electrical sign contractor licenses held by organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 27 VSF employee licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 390 A/C technician licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 13 appliance installer licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are five property tax consultant licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 106 tow truck operator (consent tow) licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.
There are 601 cosmetology operator licenses held by individuals and organizations from Dallas County that are set to expire during August, according to data from the DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit.